Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Elvis was spotted today leaving Las Vegas with Tornado Jed and Stinky the Badger. According to sketchy, but often correct sources, the trio was headed for the Canyons O' Grand. Awaiting their arrival was a peculiar being not familiar to any. Tornado and Stinky could be quoted saying, "He was a minister." However, the affirmation never came. Apparently, the two haven't seen a minister in quite some time and could not be positive as to their assumption. Fortunately for them, Elvis aka Dave, attested that in fact it was a minister and yes he was there to perform a miraculous bonding ceremony involving Stinky and the Tornado. Items were sent from the great state of South Carolina to adorn the bride herself on this special day. Amongst these items were a handkerchief (old), beautiful earings (new), and a garter (borrowed and blue). We will continue investigating into the awe inspiring events of Tuesday, October 25th.

Stay Tuned.
Updates at Eleven.


Anonymous said...

well hello there my little sweet potato.
~tis true as it is random!

Anonymous said...

Hey LFB...how about checking your posting settings on this here blog? (How is that for random?) There is one that controls the clock so we can really appreciate the times at which some of these quotables were posted. btw...did anything fall off that I need to know about last night:<>...oh for some people to be a pair of khakis...

Anonymous said...

thanks for the clock tip bruiser..
however, i choose to blaze my trails with troop 13 and use the ole' wet finger in the air trick. whoops, thats for wind isn't it? j/k. i know what i'm talking about. Forge On! for we are timeless.. wait maybe its priceless, no, cause i know people that....FLAVO FLAV!
ps. zip me up and take for a walk.

Anonymous said...

God. I'm SO out of ALL loops. Man. But yes, the missive is indeed true. Tornado and I are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Tornado. Howdya like them apples?