If you've ever worked in an office environment you know that personal expression is exhibited by cubicle decor. Whether you're in finance or communications your office cubiwalls set the stage.
Creative display is sometimes manifested by a photo screen saver of the Black & White Playa's Ball, an air brushed mystical fairy calendar, a meticulously arranged frog collection, or a plastic cacti/ficus jungle. Every office building is a canvas for the people that work there.
Some offices even have a penchant for Meerkats and Llamas. ;)
Some offices even have a penchant for Meerkats and Llamas. ;)
If you work in a technical support office you are more likely to find an impressive array of Star Trek posters, Star Wars' figurines, and Batman. Why Batman? I'm not absolutely sure, but I think it has something to do with his black bullet proof rubber suit. Yum. Even Trekkies find Superman and Aqua Man's flamboyant spandex emasculating.
What they don't find machismo threatening is having a man crush on Mark Hamill and Leonard Nemoy. Speaking fluent Klingon and being a card carrying member of STARFLEET: The International Star Trek Fan Association is even cool.
I don't mind your strange trekky ways or your Star Wars humor. I can even understand your curiosity for galaxies far far away and agree that gold bikinis are hot, but I'll never really "get it".
Medical offices are completely different. Just as strange but with less influence from the Force. Ziggy and kitten posters rock these cube walls. You can find kitten calendars, Ziggy pens, notepads and no one in that office has a problem a cute kitten can't solve. So hang in there and enjoy those custom sewn chair pads and trash bin coozies.
Corporate offices tend to lean towards professional personality-which means stifled personality. Framed photos of fishing trips and sorority reunions replace cracked out kittens and crocheted tissue box holders. Functional calendars that are neither fun or funky hang in perfect alignment above printers. Matching metal mesh pencils holders and paper trays sit at a right angle to coffee mugs personalized just like everyone else's with the company insignia.
Warehouse offices are for the most part a disaster. Desks are piled with papers and chewed pencils. Ratty posters from the 80's of red Cameros and bikini clad babes can be found on the walls if you push aside janitor sized key rings and bottle opener collections. The only calender is two years old and singed from the over flowing ashtray. The leather swivel chairs are busting foam and the space heaters' cords are frayed.
If you've never worked in an office like this you haven't worked. Or played. Or survived the cold harsh winters of the warehouse.
So whatever your work environment, style it up! Nothing says "don't approach me" like an over-sized stuffed Meerkat holding your mechanical pencil collection.
Right, Sara?
As I've said before, yes, I want meerkat paraphenalia. Nayow.
You know, the one office where I'd worked where personal art work hadn't been banned, I'd hung a two-page photo (with part of an article) from a Russian magazine in which there was a rather large-mouthed woman screaming something in Russian at a cowering man.
Naturally, it wasn't log till the ban went into effect at that office too.
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